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All you need to know before you schedule a session

  • What is applied behaviour analysis?
    Applied behaviour analysis or ABA is the scientific study of learning and behaviour used to enhance individuals social, emotional, academic and functional skills needed to be successful in life. ABA is widely known for its use to support and develop skills in individuals on the Autistic Spectrum. However, there is research and application in many areas of human life. ABA has assisted individuals in sporting events, business development, academic success, and much more.
  • Do you tutor my child?
    Behaviourlytics can provide direct tutoring or behaviour aide supports for your child. This person is sub contracted for direct services. Scheduling is then direct with that tutor. Tutor sessions cost $28.97 per hour. Sessions of 1.5 - 2 hours are recommended on a daily basis (FSCD allows for up to 15 hours per week).
  • How do you bill for services?
    Behaviourlytics provides an invoice once a month for services rendered. If direct billing with FSCD you are requested to sign and return with any time sheets. If privately paying you can make direct deposit via email on the invoice Tutors/Behaviour Aides will request a signature on a time sheet outlining their hours. They will send this to Admin for their payment. If you are funded through FSCD you will be asked to sign the invoice, with attached time sheet, and this will be sent for direct billing to FSCD. If you are independently funded you are requested to make payment within two weeks from receipt of the invoice. Payment can be made via e-transfer.
  • How can I fund the service's?
    Funding requirements of a specialized learning service is recognised by Behaviourlytics. Family Support for Children with Disabilities may be available to support functional skills and specialized parent learning programs. Support is available for specialized services and behaviour development services. Funding can take up to 6 weeks to be approved. Please speak & connect with your benefit provider or Behaviourlytics to discuss your needs and expectations of service. Behaviourlytics will work with your benefit provider to ensure services that will meet your needs and financial situation.
  • Do you provide Speech Therapy?
    Behaviourlytics will partner with registered Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) at the request of the family. However, Behaviourlytics does not provide this service. Within applied behaviour analysis we have a specialty in understadning and development of verbal behaviour and can work on language skills.
  • Do you provide Occupational Therapy?
    Behaviourlytics will partner with occupational therapists at the request of the family. However, we do not provide the service. Within applied behaviour analysis we specialise in understanding motivation and developing skills utilising reinforcement procedures. We are able to assist development of self-help and daily living skills.
  • What is a BCBA?
    BCBA stands for Board Certified Behaviour Analyst. A behaviour analyst uses the science of learning to develop programs to assist individuals in developing skills for independence in life. The BCBA is accountable to the Behaviour Certification Board, more information can be found at
  • What is an Asscociate?
    An Associate at Behaviourlytics is seeking certification with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (see They meet with the home team on a weekly basis to provide training and supports to the programs provided by the BCBA. They assist with data entry and monitoring charts; reporting to the BCBA during individual or group supervision sessions at least once every two weeks.
  • What is a Behaviour Aide/Tutor?
    A Behaviour Aid or Tutor provides the direct service, following programs developed by the BCBA and/or Associate. The Behaviour Aide is responsible for collecting the data for pin-pointed skills and reporting to the BCBA and/or Associate any concerns. A Behaviour Aide with Behaviourlytics is encouraged to follow Registration with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board as a registered behavior technician (RBTs). RBTs have completed ABA training and attend supervision for 5% of the time engaged in work specific to ABA.

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